

Sports massage, relax massage, therapeutic massage, Tuina Massage

Massage is a natural method that improves health and maintains the strength of the body. The basis of every massage is touch-movement. It is precisely touch that has a real positive therapeutic effect. Scientific research has proven that, in addition to physical benefits, massage also has an impact on emotions.

The muscular system benefits the most from massage. Muscles maintain a balance of relaxation and contraction. Massage movements relax and stretch muscles and soft body tissues, reducing spasm and muscle tension. Fibrous tissues, adhesions and old scar tissue can be broken up and cleaned of impurities. By contracting the muscles, toxic products are eliminated. There are also specific massage techniques that facilitate muscle contractions and contribute to their toning. Fatigue and muscle tension caused by excessive activity cause the accumulation of harmful products of muscle metabolism, and it is precisely in such conditions that massage helps the most.

The skeletal system is strengthened by massage. The effect of massage on the bones is indirect. Improved circulation of blood and lymph in the muscles leads to better circulation in the bones where these muscles attach, contributing to their better nutrition and growth. Joint stiffness and pain resulting from conditions such as arthritis are alleviated and movement facilitated using specific massage and joint mobilization techniques.

The circulatory system is in the group that benefits the most from massage. It reduces the pressure in the arteries and veins and accelerates the flow of blood through the system, thereby providing relief for poor circulation and minor cardiac problems. The work of the heart becomes more regular, while the very speed of its work decreases, and moderately high blood pressure also decreases.

The lymphatic system is stimulated, and the flow of lymph through the system is accelerated. During the massage, waste and toxic substances accumulated in our body exposed to constant stress are eliminated at high speed. After suffering an injury, there is often a larger swelling that needs to be dispersed into the lymphatic circulation. With massage, it is possible to empty the lymphatic vessels, which creates space for the dispersion of swelling. If the fluid from the swelling is not moved, it can become semi-solid, which stops the possibility of its transfer to the lymphatic vessels. In this case, it adheres to the surrounding tissues (muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments) and forms formations known as "adhesions". If adhesions form in the joint, there is a permanent restriction of movement.

The respiratory system responds to the increased activity in the lungs stimulated by the massage. During the treatment, breathing slows down and deepens. If necessary, mucus and bronchial secretions can be forced out of the lungs by percussive movements in the back and lung area.

The digestive system also benefits from massage as it stimulates peristaltic activity (wave movements) in the large intestine, promoting the elimination of fecal matter and fighting constipation (constipation). Massage strengthens the muscular walls of the intestines and abdomen and stimulates the secretion of digestive juices from the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines. In addition to supporting digestion and elimination of food, massage improves the absorption of digested food.

Massage is beneficial in terms of skin activity and nutrition. Sweat and sebaceous glands are stimulated, which improves their function and ensures the elimination of waste products. By removing dead skin cells, the pores are encouraged to remain open, allowing for improved skin respiration, as well as its suppleness and elasticity. The condition, structure and tightness of the skin are greatly improved. After the treatment, she becomes healthy and radiant.

The genitourinary system can be stimulated to work by massaging the abdomen and back, which stimulates kidney activity, thus accelerating the elimination of waste materials and reducing fluid retention.

The function of the reproductive system can also be improved by massaging the back and abdomen. These help relieve menstrual problems such as painful and/or irregular periods, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopausal symptoms.

Tuina or tui-na (pronounced twee-nah) massage originates from ancient China and is believed to be the oldest system of bodywork. It is one of the four main branches of traditional Chinese medicine, along with acupuncture, qi gong and Chinese herbal medicine.

It is based on the theory that an imbalance of qi, which is the body's vital life force or energy, can cause blockages or imbalances that lead to symptoms such as pain and disease.

Tuina massage stimulates the flow of qi to promote balance and harmony within the body using many of the same principles of acupuncture.

It is similar to acupuncture in the way it targets specific points, but practitioners use fingers instead of needles to apply pressure to stimulate those points. Tuina massage is often used in combination with acupuncture.

Corrective exercises

Corrective exercises play a significant role during the growth and development of the organism, but also later in adulthood.

From early childhood, it is necessary to encourage proper growth and development of muscles and skeleton.

Our patients are often children who have spine problems, flat feet and other ailments.

That is why it is necessary to introduce exercises as early as possible.

  • Exercises for the spine and feet (flat feet, scoliosis, kyphosis...)
  • Medical gymnastics (exercises for strengthening the mid-spinal muscles and correcting posture)
  • Exercises for patients with neurological problems (spasms, paresis, hypotrophy)
  • Exercises for the treatment of osteoporosis
  • Exercises for raising general tone in case of painful menstrual cycles, climacteric complaints, after childbirth and surgery, pelvic organ prolapse
  • Medical fitness (small groups)
  • Corrective exercises for spinal column deformities

Today's lifestyle of children and adults contributes to the appearance of spinal deformities:

  • kyphosis (increased physiological curve in the thoracic part of the spinal column in the sagittal plane, popularly known as "hunched spine")
  • scoliosis (curvature of the spine in the shape of the letter "S" in the frontal plane)
  • lumbar lordosis (increased physiological curves in the lower part of the spine, the way forward).

Corrective exercises are indicated for the following deformities:

  • Pes equinovarus (twisted foot)
  • Pes metatarsus varus (foot turned in)
  • Pes talovalgus (twisted foot)
  • Pes planus (flat foot)

Bobath therapy

The Bobath concept is an individual therapeutic approach based on relearning normal movement and body posture, and is aimed at solving problems for people who have difficulties in function, posture or movement due to damage in the central nervous system (stroke, head injuries, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's...).

The goal of the treatment is to optimally improve the performance of daily activities as well as other participation in society. Each person has the potential to improve their movement, so we choose the positions, activities and techniques that best suit them and their motor skills.
The therapist works together with the patient, gives clear information with the hands and teaches him again or improves the performance of certain movements and activities of daily life.


The PNF concept is a way of thinking, observing, working and moving. In the PNF concept, the patient and the therapist are connected by all senses. The therapist guides the patient, follows and resists his movements and is attuned to the patient. It helps him from all directions, in all positions, in order to stimulate the best reactions of the patient's body. In the PNF concept, the therapist stimulates the patient's nervous system.

PNF is a painless method. In it, the therapist does not judge what the patient can't do, but focuses on what he can do and works to develop it, all with the goal of regaining function. The therapist cooperates with the patient as much as possible, he must be completely devoted to him, and this creates a feeling of security in the patient. It is always about the individual work of the therapist with the patient.

The basic elements of the PNF technique are irradiation and diagonals. Irradiation is the body's neurophysiological response to a stimulus. It is a response to the stimulation of our nervous system. It happens every day whenever we move any part of the body. It is a normal reaction of the central nervous system to movement.

PNF uses the body's proprioceptive system to assist or inhibit muscle contraction. Muscles work synergistically in order to perform a specific movement in the correct way, with irradiation and diagonal the therapist helps the patient to restore the correct kinetic chain of movements.

The techniques used when applying the PNF concept are: rhythmic initiation, agonist rotation, re-stretching at the beginning of the movement, re-stretching during the movement, replication, hold-relax, contract-relax, dynamic rotation, stabilizing rotation, rhythmic stabilization. Depending on the problem, the therapist chooses the appropriate technique. So, if the joint is not stable enough, the technique of stabilizing rotation and rhythmic stabilization is used. If the muscles are not strong enough, the therapist can use the agonist twist, the dynamic twist. If the muscle is shortened or tense, hold-relax, contract-relax, etc.

There are no contraindications for PNF, it can be used regardless of gender, age, occupation, but it is mostly used in neurological and orthopedic problems and conditions in patients.

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Spinal manipulation

Spinal manipulation is a technique that targets the spine and limbs and involves manipulation and mobilization. Manually mobilizes the spine by passively moving the spinal joints within the client's range of motion using a slow, gentle movement that begins with a small range and gradually increases the range of motion.

Spinal manipulation is the application of forces (rapid, shallow thrusts) to spinal joints that move slightly beyond their normal range of motion. Spinal manipulation is often accompanied by the audible "tata".

This can be thought of as a dissolved gas released from fluid junctions with a rapid pressure drop. This gas is suddenly struck into small bubbles, making a sound. Studies have shown that it is not always necessary to hear an audible pop for spinal manipulation to work.

The goal is to restore function and reduce pain. Spinal manipulation remains the most successful when it comes to lifestyle adjustments, as well as active treatments, such as stretching and exercise.

It is achieved by a short and quick push with a sound phenomenon (click or pop). After which the client feels a reduction in pain and relief, and the full effect of this technique follows after a few hours.

Spinal manipulation gives good results in:

  • acute neck and back pain
  • dizziness
  • headache
  • neck and shoulder girdle stiffness
  • sciatica


Acupuncture is one of the oldest methods of treatment, often referred to as a miraculous method of action of needles inserted into the body.

Acupuncture is a part of traditional medicine, which is used to relieve various ailments, due to bringing vital energy into balance.

Acupuncture involves the use of needles that are applied to the exact determination of points on the body, called acupuncture points.

Acupuncture is a completely natural method of treatment, which treats the body as a whole, so that it treats the cause of the problem and not just the consequence. There are no side effects or contraindications with other medicines and it has a beneficial effect on the whole organism.

In some conditions, such as conditions of extreme weakness, acute psychosis, in patients with a pacemaker, this method can cause contraindications, so it is necessary to take into account the time of its application.

Relative contraindications to the application of this method were recorded during pregnancy and during menstruation and after a large meal.


Electrotherapy is the application of electric current in order to achieve a therapeutic effect on the patient's body.

Electrotherapy found its application in medicine with the discovery of the positive effect of electricity on the structures of the muscular and nervous system.

  • Toplotni efekat koji utiče na proširenje krvnih sudova i poboljšanje cirkulacije
  • analgetski efekat – stimulacijom nervnih vlakana za prenos bola
  • povećanje mišićne mase
  • stimulacija oštećenih nervnih vlakana i antiedematozni efekat.

Postoji više vrsta različitih struja koje se koriste u sklopu fizikalne terapije. Nabrojat ćemo samo neke od njih koje koristimo često u našoj ordinaciji.

a) Elektroterapija interferentnim IFS ili “ukrštenim” strujama

Interferentne struje ili “ukrštene struje” su dobile naziv po efektu interferencije koji nastaje u tkivu kada se ukrste dva samostalna strujna kola. Na mjestu gdje se ukrštaju ta dva strujna kola nastaje jak terapijski efekat na tkivo . Elektroterapija inferentnim strujama ima primjenu kod:

  • degenerativnih i reumatoloških oboljenja
  • kod trauma
  • iščašenja
  • sprains
  • preloma
  • kod sportskih povreda
  • pareze i paralize
  • kod cervikalnog i lumbalnog sindroma.
  • Prednost primjene interferentnih struja je što se može aplikovati i u predjelu tijela gdje pacijent ima ugraene metalne imlantate npr. vještački kuk ili koljeno.


b) Elektroterapija galvanskim strujama

c) Elektroterapija dijadinamskim strujama

d) Elektroterapija sa TENSom

TENS ili transkutana elektro-nervna stimulacija se zasniva na elektroanalgeziji, stimulacijom nervnih vlakana za prenos bola. Ovom metodom se smanjuje bol u tretiranoj regiji a za posledicu se smanjuje i upotreba analgetskih lijekova. Primjenjuje se kod svih ortopedskih, reumatoloških i neuroloških bolova.

Used for:

  • akutnih i hroničnih bolova izazvanih različitim patološkim procesima
  • reumatoloških bolesti
  • trauma
  • ortopedskih bolesti ( bol u kuku, koljenu, laktu, ramenu)
  • neurologija
  • onkološke bolesti

Kontraindikacija za primjenu TENS terapije nema.


e) Elektrostimulacija mišića

Elektrostimulacija predstavlja nadražaj strujom određenog intneziteta, frekvencije i trajanja u cilju izazivanja mišićne kontrakcije kod paretičnih (oduzetih) ili atrofiranih mišića koji nisu u stanju da funkcionišu jer su povrijeđeni. Razni oblici elektrostimulacije koriste se i kod zdravih osoba radi poboljšanja fizičke sposobnosti.

f) Elektroterapija elektroforezom

Elektroforeza predstavlja unošenje lijekova u organizam putem konstantne jednosmerne struje preko kože . Elektroforeza omogućava da lijek za najkraće moguće vrijeme prodre na mjesto povrede ili zapaljenja. Na ovaj način se postiže visoka koncentracija lijeka, produženo dejstvo lijeka i stvaranje depoa. Najčešće se koristi kod stanja bola u vratu i leđima kada lijek apliciramo kroz kožu na bolno.

U slučaju da osoba ne može da kontroliše bol koji osjeća, te ima druge simptome koji se tiču odsustva doživljaja kontrole bola – elektroterapija – liječenje koje usmjerava blage električne impulse do problematičnog područja – može biti jedna od opcija.

Elektroterapija uključuje niz tretmana koji koriste električnu energiju za smanjenje bola, poboljšanje cirkulacije, oporavak oštećenog tkiva, jačanje mišića, kao i podsticanje zarastanja kostiju nakon preloma, što dovodi do poboljšanja u fizičkim performansama pacijenta.

Uređaji koji se koriste za elektroterapiju sastoje se od kontrolne table preko koje biramo željenu terapijsku struju i nastavaka sa elektrodama koje se postavljaju na tijelo pacijenta. Elektrode se lijepe i postavljaju na kožu. Jastučići elektrode su ljepljivi tako da se brzo i lako postave na kožu. Jednom kada se elektrode pričvrste i elektroterapija se uključi, preko elektrode se na kožu šalje blagi električni signal koji djeluje na kožu i sve strukture ispod kože.

Iako koncept korištenja električne energije na tijelu može zvučati kao nešto bolno, mnogi će se složiti s tim da je osjećaj koji izaziva električna energija ustvari opuštajući. Primjera radi, uz pomoć TENS-a, pojedinac može da doživi osjećaje škakljanja, vibriranja ili zujanja. Međutim, sam efekat struje je prijatan i smanjuje se bol u tretiranoj regiji.

Električna stimulacija može direktno blokirati prenos bola duž živca. Pored toga, pokazalo se da elektoterapija podstiče oslobađanje endorfina, prirodnih neurotransmitera protiv bolova koje proizvodi tijelo.

Elektroterapija se najčešće koristi u kombinaciji sa drugim fizikalnim terapijskim procedurama kao što su masaža, ultrazvuk, laser, tecar i druge. Za ljude koji idu na fizikalnu terapiju, elektroterapija može ublažiti bol toliko da pacijent bez problema radi različite vježbe.

Elektroterapija spada u jednu od metoda koje se koriste za ublažavanje bolova ali ima manje potencijalne rizike i nuspojave u poređenju sa klasičnim lijekovima protiv bolova. Upotreba električne struje u svrhu ublažavanja bolova seže u stara vremena.

Elektroterapija se koristi za rješavanje hroničnog osjećaja bola, hroničnog umora uopšte, kao i kod:

  • Bola u nervima kod dijabetesa
  • Fibromijalgije
  • Migrenskih glavobolja
  • Zarastanja rana
  • Stimulisanja zarastanja kostiju nakon preloma

Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound therapy, i.e. due to its double action, mechanical and thermal, ultrasound represents a very effective type of physical therapy in the treatment of numerous pathological conditions of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.

Ultrasound therapy improves microcirculation, promotes tissue relaxation and accelerates metabolism. In this way, inflammatory mediators are resorbed and pain is reduced in the treated region.

The duration of the application is 5-10 minutes, depending on the condition. In acute conditions, ultrasound therapy takes less time.

Ultrasound therapy is a treatment modality used by a physiotherapist to relieve pain and promote tissue healing. Although ultrasound therapy is not effective for all chronic pain conditions, it can relieve your pain if you have:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Myofacial pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Pain caused by a scar
  • Phantom limb pain

Ultrasound is used in the following conditions:

  • Cervical pain syndrome
  • Lumbar pain syndrome
  • Chronic degenerative diseases
  • Bursitis, tendinitis, capsulitis, epicondylitis, tendovaginitis, antensitis
  • Ligament injuries
  • Painful and stiff shoulder
  • Radial and Ulnar Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

Ultrasound therapy is not applied in acute and fresh inflammation, any condition in which inducing hyperemia would be redundant or harmful, prone to bleeding. With the help of ultrasound, drugs can also be applied through the skin to the targeted part of the body, and this procedure is called sonophoresis.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy in physical medicine has been used more and more lately, especially together with magnetotherapy.

The word laser is an abbreviation of "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation", which in translation means amplification of light by means of stimulated emission of radiation.

A laser is a transmitter of light electromagnetic radiation with which we perform biostimulation on tissue.

The biostimulating effect of the laser on the healing process is realized through the activation of DNA synthesis. The analgesic effect of the laser is a consequence of the change in nerve conduction velocity. The anti-inflammatory effects of the laser have been proven, as well as the beneficial effect of the laser on wound healing and softening of scars.

The application of laser therapy has shown extremely good results because it very quickly leads to a reduction of pain and regeneration of injured tissue, and the condition of patients with this type of therapy improves already after a few treatments. Laser therapy is applied in combination with several other physical procedures, primarily with:

  • Electrotherapy (interferent currents, galvanic currents, diadynamic currents)
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Magnetotherapy

Laser light is a stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation from the spectrum of non-ionizing radiation. It is a highly focused beam of coherent monochromatic (infrared, visible or ultraviolet) light.

In physical medicine, low-power lasers are used, which achieve a biostimulating effect without a thermal effect and without morphological changes of the irradiated tissue. Laser therapies are performed for 10-15 days continuously or there is a break between two therapies.

It is interesting that when coming to laser therapy after the fourth or fifth therapy, "reaction treatment" occurs. The reaction treatment is the reaction of the tissue that is treated with the laser when there is a slight worsening of symptoms, i.e. pain. In the event that there is no such "treatment reaction", it is a sign that the laser therapy being applied is not being applied adequately. This is a sign that the output power of the laser is low and that the output power parameters should be changed during laser therapy.

So, pain during the treatment is a good sign and you should always tell the patient that because every patient wants the pain to stop and such a "treatment reaction" is a normal reaction of the tissue to the action of the laser.

  • strong analgesic effect (against pain)
  • strong anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect (against inflammation and swelling)
  • pronounced biostimulant effect (regenerates - restores tissues)
  • significantly shortens the treatment time
  • it can be used in the acute phase because it is an athermic procedure - it does not heat the tissues
  • positive influence on the regeneration of bones, peripheral nerves, muscle fibers and skin
  • Lumbar and cervical pain syndrome, disc herniation
  • Injuries of joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles
  • Bell's palsy - paresis of the facial nerve
  • Bone fractures
  • Sports injuries
  • Rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout...)
  • Degenerative rheumatological diseases of the spine (spondylosis) and peripheral joints (gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, arthrosis of the small joints of the hand)
  • Extra-articular rheumatism (inflammation of soft tissues around the joints)
  • Tendinitis, bursitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome and tarsal tunnel syndrome (compressive neuropathies)
  • Radiculopathy
  • Neuralgia (trigeminal neuralgia, postherpetic neuralgia)
  • Neuritis
  • Wounds that heal slowly (varicose ulcers), burns

Laser physical therapy is not recommended during pregnancy. Laser beams must not be used in the area of ​​malignant tumors that are treated with methods such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy and must not shine on the eye.

Infrared thermal blanket

The infrared thermal blanket is based on infrared rays, which are proven effective and safe scientific methods for losing weight and shaping the body. Infrared radiation penetrates the skin, muscles, bones and intestines.

This method of heating helps in speeding up circulation, cellular activation and cell metabolism. The thermal blanket has good effects on reducing inflammation, sterilization, healing, weight reduction, etc. It is used for anti-cellulite treatment and slimming treatment.

Advantages of dermo blankets


Hijama is an alternative medical procedure, which provides a powerful detoxification of the body. In addition to detoxification, didjama can also be used in the therapy of certain health problems.

The procedure ensures the removal of residual lymph, biological debris and undigested metabolic products, which ultimately results in improved blood flow in peripheral circulation, better tissue nutrition, and nerve endings are relieved of pressure.

It is recommended that the hijama treatment be carried out twice a year, but in the case of certain complaints, the number of necessary treatments is determined by the hijama therapist

The treatment is not painful. The skin that is slightly cut (just 1-2mm) is previously exposed to a vacuum, which anesthetizes the nerve endings in that area.

The main indication for performing hijama is detoxification of the body. 

However, as far as health problems are concerned, the indications are as follows:

  • back pain
  • cervical spine problems
  • muscle tension
  • headaches (migraines)
  • allergies
  • hypertension
  • elevated blood lipids
  • fatigue and sleepiness
  • strengthening immunity
  • insomnia
  • poor concentration


Among the contraindications, we single out people with hemophilia and implanted stents, i.e. people using anticoagulation therapy.

Better blood flow in the peripheral circulation, better tissue nutrition, and release of nerve endings from pressure.

The elimination of residual lymph and biological waste, i.e. the detox of the body, will provide a strengthening of immunity, a jump in energy and a general improvement of health.

Milk, dairy products and fatty foods should not be consumed two days before and two days after the treatment. Also, after performing the treatment, avoid heavy physical activity for one to two days.

Vacuum (cupping) therapy

Vacuum (cupping) therapy is simple, effective and harmless. Gives excellent results. There are many benefits of vacuum therapy: it is not invasive, it can be used for a wide range of problems and above all it is effective. It is used in physical therapy and rehabilitation in combination with other methods such as manual therapy, dry needling and other methods.

It is actually cupping therapy. There are two ways of cupping therapy. They can be placed on the patient's body, most often on painful places (static application), and vacuum massage can be done with the help of suction cups in the region where there is pain and tension.

Often, this technique is both therapy and diagnosis at the same time, because "bruises" are created in "problematic" places and in places with poor blood flow. Actually, these "bruises" are called extravasates. Their appearance indicates poor blood circulation in the area where the suction cups are placed. The stronger the color of the "bruise", the bigger the problem. However, it is good that they appear, because in this way, due to the creation of a vacuum and the change in pressure at the place where the suction cups are placed, we actually speed up the metabolism, and draw toxins from the body, i.e. tissues to the surface, and thus we will more easily expel them from the body naturally by the way, it is the so-called "healing bruise".

Immediately after a vacuum massage or the application of suction cups on the body, relief is felt in that region, also shortly after several therapies, the skin changes, becomes elastic, bruises become less and less, just like the pain. Vacuum therapy gives very good results in the treatment of the entire locomotor system: degenerative changes of the spinal column, painful and stiff back, pain between the shoulder blades, pain in the lumbar part of the back, sciatica.

Vacuum therapy works by:

  • Improves blood flow and lymph flow
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • It normalizes metabolism
  • It increases the work of capillaries
  • It has a lymphatic drainage effect
  • Detoxification
  • Increases vitality and immunity


Lymph drainage is an irreplaceable therapeutic procedure for stimulating lymph circulation, improving venous circulation and detoxifying the body. It also contributes to better nutrition and tissue regeneration, removing excess fluid and strengthening the immune system.

Drainage accelerates the flow of lymph and blood, vasodilatation occurs with the release of histamine, causes local hyperemia, increases elasticity and improves the appearance of the skin, accelerates the exchange of substances and leads to general relaxation and sedation.

It is irreplaceable in anti-cellulite treatments.


Maderotherapy is a massage treatment with wood or maderotherapy rolling pins made of wood. The massage itself originates from Colombia, and in recent years it has been very present in the Balkans itself.

Massage stimulates the work of the lymphatic system and promotes the flow of lymph, which accelerates metabolism and expels excess fatty deposits of toxins and eliminates cellulite. Maderotherapy is recommended for relaxing the body and mind, stimulating the lymphatic system, eliminating toxins from the body and accelerating metabolism, breaking up and removing cellulite, tightening and others.

Maderotherapy has an excellent effect on body shaping. In addition to cellulite, this massage also shows excellent results in the treatment of heavy and swollen legs. A series of 10 treatments is required every day or every other day. It can be combined with massage and other anti-cellulite treatments

Flossing technique

The flossing technique is a new therapeutic method that is most often used in the treatment of professional athletes (sports injuries). It works immediately and accelerates tissue regeneration. It consists in the application of various elastic bands with a combination of manual techniques.

Flossing technique or method is a modern approach and another technique of choice in solving problems in patients, top athletes and recreational players. was excluded from active training. It consists of the application of elastic bands, which due to their thickness and thus elasticity affect the resolution of the degree of injury.

Flossing technique is used for: Alleviation/reduction of pain in acute, subacute and chronic stages of injury,
Improving the mobility of the injured segment
Reduction of swelling
Building and strengthening muscles
Improving coordination
Accelerates swelling
Is the Flossing technique painful?
The flossing technique is painful because movements and grips are used over the applied tape itself. The tape is stretched under great pressure and the patient feels that sensation as pain. The application does not last longer than two minutes and the negative effects are short-lived.

When an injury occurs in the place where the process itself is localized, pain mediators are released. They have an irritating effect on nerve endings, the patient's pain tolerance threshold is lowered. As a further continuation of the process, a reactive spasm of the musculature and blood vessels occurs. As a result, we get swelling, pain and reduced mobility.
Flossing trakama ništa drugo i ne radimo nego utičemo na ubrzavanje metaboličkih procesa koje za cilj imaju da što pre razgrade štetne produkte metabolizma i saniraju povredu.

Application of the flossing technique is very effective in:

  • tendon sprains
  • sprains
  • swelling
  • tennis and golfer's elbow
  • sore shoulder
  • muscle rupture
  • knee injuries
  • ligament injuries
  • carpal tunnel…

Used for:

  • muscle pain, pain and limited mobility of ligaments and joints
  • localized sharp pain
    postoperative scar and adhesions
  • for muscle building
  • for muscle regeneration after training
  • with increased tone and decreased tone in children
  • in inflammation of the tendon
  • at the heel spur

The technique itself can have a lot of side effects, if the technique is not carried out by certified physiotherapists and if the patient himself has not been adequately assessed. Other possible side effects are fine lines on the skin that can be seen at the places where the tape overlaps under high pressure. This most often happens when the pressure in the winding of the tape is not equal in the place where they overlap. It is not dangerous for the patient and passes spontaneously very quickly.


Dermapen skin treatment is one of the most effective skin rejuvenation techniques.

The goal of this procedure is to restore the youthfulness of the face, and in addition to the classic antiaging effect, this treatment significantly refreshes the face, and is also applicable for the reduction of scars.

What sets the dermapen apart from other antiaging methods is the adjustment of the depth and vertical angle of penetration of the microneedles, which results in additional treatment efficiency. The advantage of dermapen compared to other similar devices is that its microneedles are five times thinner and one hundred times denser. The device is very small and more convenient to use than other devices of a similar type. Treatments are faster and less painful than others.

Dermapen creates controlled and programmed microcracks on the skin. It thus stimulates the skin to react to regeneration itself and to create new elastic and collagen fibers in a natural way.

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Rehabilitation glove

Rehabilitation robotic gloves combine flexible robotic technology and neuroscience to help patients perform finger flexion and extension, relieve the patient's hand muscle tension, relieve edema and stiffness, promote exercise recovery from cranial nerve injury, improve hand flexibility, and accelerate the recovery process of hand function.

Rehabilitation robotic gloves can offer multiple training modes such as passive, assistive, resistive, sensitive finger support, mirror hand, voice control and active play. It is a hand rehabilitation robot that fully covers the period from paralysis to rehabilitation.

Applicable departments of hand rehabilitation robot: Rehabilitation, neurology, neurosurgery, stroke center, geriatrics, orthopedics, oncology, pediatrics, burns, etc.

Contact us

If you have questions about our products or would like to order a massage, feel free to contact us using the form below or on the phone number.
